Priti Butler
Priti has 30 years’ experience directing, leading, and developing children and families, adult social care, health and wellbeing and employment and skills services. Priti has held the position of Executive Director for The Big Life Group, a social business, and charity for the past 23 years. She has a strong social values base which drives her passion for innovation and creativity to deliver high quality services to those most in need and whose circumstances can make them marginalised.
She is passionate about how we drive change and embrace keeping people and communities at the forefront of everything we do. Empowering people to remain in control, have a voice and to makes choices that improve their lives. As a leader in a Social Enterprise business development is a key strength having successfully secured a range of public services and taken them through transformational change and making them sustainable within the third sector.
Priti currently holds a number of board positions these include Trustee of GMCVO, Manchester’s infrastructure organisation that supports our local third sector, Director of Social Value Loan Finance program and Non-Executive Board Member for two Housing Trusts. Prior to this, Priti has 10 years’ experience of successfully managing ‘Care in the Community’ leading on change management from residential institutions to community based independent living for adults with learning disabilities and mental health.